List of gas stations in the city of Atyrau
In the city of Atyrau
1.Atyrau, Kurmangazy st., house №70 A. gas station «PromGazBP»
2.Atyrau city Khalel Dosmukhamedov 110/1, the area of the old airport, gas station “PromGazBP”
3.Atyrau, S. Beibarys st, № 40B, Mercury gas station
4.Atyrau, S. Beibarys st, №. 47B, «SinoOil» gas station
5.Atyrau, Atambaev st., №. 25 «G», gas station «PromGazBP»
6.Atyrau, v. Tomarly Housing estate Zhuldyz St., Atyrau Dossor highway, №77/3 A, PromGazBP gas station
7.Atyrau, Dossor route № 62
8.Atyrau, Atyrau-Dossor 44B highway «Sinooil» gas station
9.Atyrau, Atyrau-Dossor highway, №. 48, «PromGazBP» gas station
10.Atyrau, Aidyn microdistrict, street No. 1, build. № 23, «PromGazBP» gas station
11.Atyrau, Isatay Taimanov Avenue 137
12.Atyrau, Atyrau-Uralsk highway, Ind. zone Severnaya, 4, gas station «PromGazBP»
13.Atyrau, the region of Chernaya Rechka, Garden Society Zdorovie 103, gas station «PromGazBP»
In the city of Kulsary
14.Kulsary, Izturgan Sariyev St. № 86, gas station «Mercury»
15.Kulsary, street №. 312, build. 9, «Tashkent» gas station, «PromGazBP» gas station
16.Kulsary, Kulsary-Beineu highway, «PromGazBP» gas station
In the vil. of Dossor
17.vil. Dossor, Shali Erkeshova street, house№ 8, gas station «PromGazBP»
18.vil. Dossor , Atyrau-Dossor highway, «PromGazBP» gas station
19.vil. Makhambet, st. 50 years Zhayyk Shugylasy, house № 57, gas station «Mercury»
In the vil. of Inder
20.vil. Inder,. Taysoigan st 5, gas station «Mercury»
21.vil.Inder , Atyrau-Inder highway, «PromGazBP» gas station
22.vil. Inder, Atyrau-Uralsk highway, «PromGazBP» gas station
In the Ganushkino
23. Kurmangazinsky district, vil.Ganyushkina , T. Zhugunisov St., №. 38, gas station