The company “Prom Gaz BP” is a dynamically developing company operating in the liquefied gas market since 2017. The main activity of the company is a retail sale of liquefied petroleum gas in the market of Atyrau and in Atyrau region. (implementation of autogas and motor vehicles).

List of gas stations in the city of Atyrau

  1. Atyrau, Kurmangazy st., house №70 A. gas station «PromGazBP»
  2. Atyrau city Khalel Dosmukhamedov 110/1, the area of ​​the old airport, gas station “PromGazBP”
  3. Atyrau, S. Beibarys st, № 40B, Mercury gas station
  4. Atyrau, S. Beibarys st, №. 47B, «SinoOil» gas station
  5. Atyrau, Atambaev st., №. 25 «G», gas station «PromGazBP»
  6. Atyrau, v. Tomarly Housing estate Zhuldyz St., Atyrau Dossor highway, №77/3 A, PromGazBP gas station
  7. Atyrau, Dossor route № 62
  8. Atyrau, Atyrau-Dossor 44B highway «Sinooil» gas station
  9. Atyrau, Atyrau-Dossor highway, №. 48, «PromGazBP» gas station
  10. Atyrau, Aidyn microdistrict, street No. 1, build. № 23, «PromGazBP» gas station
  11. Atyrau, Isatay Taimanov Avenue 137
  12. Atyrau, Atyrau-Uralsk highway, Ind. zone Severnaya, 4, gas station «PromGazBP»
  13. Atyrau, the region of Chernaya Rechka, Garden Society Zdorovie 103, gas station «PromGazBP»
  14. Kulsary, Izturgan Sariyev St. № 86, gas station «Mercury»
  15. Kulsary, street №. 312, build. 9, «Tashkent» gas station, «PromGazBP» gas station
  16. Kulsary, Kulsary-Beineu highway, «PromGazBP» gas station
  17. vil. Dossor, Shali Erkeshova street, house№ 8, gas station «PromGazBP»
  18. vil. Dossor , Atyrau-Dossor highway, «PromGazBP» gas station
  19. vil. Makhambet, st. 50 years Zhayyk Shugylasy, house № 57, gas station «Mercury»
  20. vil. Inder,. Taysoigan st 5, gas station «Mercury»
  21. vil.Inder , Atyrau-Inder highway, «PromGazBP» gas station
  22. vil. Inder, Atyrau-Uralsk highway, «PromGazBP» gas station
  23. Kurmangazinsky district, vil.Ganyushkina , T. Zhugunisov St., №. 38, gas station

PROMGAZBP is the first gas stations network on Atyrau

PROMGAZBP is the first gas stations network on Atyrau

The company’s mission is to offer higher quality products on the market, a safe and uninterrupted supply of liquefied gas to the population, and industrial enterprises of Atyrau and Atyrau region.

The supplier of LHG (liquefied hydrocarbon gas) is the company «Liquefied petroleum gas Storage Park» LLP, the manufacturer is the Atyrau oil refinery.

The company conducted an audit to assess the compliance of quality management systems and environmental management with the requirements of the Standards ST RK ISO 9001-2009 (ISO9001:2008) and ST RK ISO 14001-2006 (ISO14001:2004). Project management in the Company is carried out by an approved sequence of business processes, where the actions of performers are clearly regulated by internal Instructions and Regulations of the Company.

PromGazBP-striving for development

The company’s strategy is to constantly expand and increase the quality of service.

The Company plans to build 7 large AAA class kembengs (camping) in 2020 including hotel, supermarkets and cafes.

Additionally, more than 200 jobs will be created.

PromGazBP is a responsible partner. We strive for the successful implementation of mutually beneficial projects.




Number of specialists


regular visitors


sold litres (mln)


Total served cars